Hi I’m Pete

Home Forums Introductions Hi I’m Pete

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    Failed to get to last night’s first meeting 🙁 Glad to hear many attended.

    I did a computing degree back in the 80’s. Can you believe we did it all without even something as ordinary as email! Been programming ever since; mainly C but with some Pascal / Java thrown on for good measure. Not sure I’d call a lot of code I did real-time but it was for vehicle diagnostic, chip wafer manufacture and more recently bear metal on ARM microcontrollers.

    I mess around with flight simulation when not playing embedded systems.

    BTW I answer to Peter as well 🙂


    Hi Pete, I do remember the days before emails and also PCs. Back then, it was a trip to the library to get information. It’s hard to recall how we ever managed…

    I look forward to meeting you at a future event.

    Chris Hawkins

    Hi, I also did a computing degree in the 80’s (Class of 1985). My daughter has just gone to University – an amazing world of FaceTime and all things digital – even the library books are all digital. I’m not sure how we coped, but we did 🙂


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