Hi, I’m Myles

Home Forums Introductions Hi, I’m Myles

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    I missed the meeting last weekend and just got home to realise I missed this weeks zoom call.

    I haven’t got that much experience in terms of tinkering but I have basic coding skills and I am generally handy in terms of DIY, so that’s something, right?

    I’m an aerospace engineer by degree but currently work as a systems engineer in railway signalling.

    I’d like to get involved in some raspberry pi or Arduino projects although I don’t have much of an idea what. I do have some equipment: receiver, servos, battery, radio transmitter for an RC plane so that could be a group project to get started. If someone has a CNC or laser cutter then CAD’ing up a design for strut/spar construction RC plane would work. Maybe even try and design an autopilot using a raspberry pi could be a option

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